🌞   🌛

2023-09-22: Some random shots on an Ilford HP5 Disposible Camera (Just don’t wanna pack a large camera …

2023-08-02: Fireworks

2023-07-02: Double Ducks

2023-05-29: News Stand.

2023-05-17: Haven Street, Hong Kong

2023-04-07: #HKIFF 3 shows today

2023-04-07: Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

2023-04-02: We are BACK at the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre for the #HKIFF

2023-03-09: Some #mediumformat street snaps #rolleiflex #velvia100

2023-03-06: Villain Hitting ritual, Hong Kong 打小人。

2023-03-03: 「排除萬難……萬難呀!」 《日新》

2023-02-28: Kowloon Flour Mills, Hong Kong. #RicohGRIII

2023-02-26: Ramen.


2023-01-25: Entrance of the V&A Museum, London, UK #blackandwhite #RicohGRIII


2023-01-12: Some #RicohGRIII street snaps.

2022-11-06: doggo




2022-04-26: #RicohGRIII

2022-04-26: #RicohGRIII www.instagram.com/p/CcxX7R_…

2022-03-28: #940920 場景:土瓜灣美景樓

2021-05-25: Hong Kong Streetscape

2021-04-04: #HKIFF Tonight’s selection is Time, a local film featuring some of the superstars of the past …

2021-04-04: 久違了的電影節 Back to the #HKIFF after last year’s hiatus due to the pandemic.

2021-03-25: 葉生呢篇文除咗夾硬質咗啲 product placement 之外,其實都係老生常談。

2021-03-23: 欲求不滿的經濟學 日本之行後感 【2018年】八月初到日本走了一轉,在旅程中除了因為港元兌日元比較平之外,後泡沬時代的日本物價其實可算接受。只要你接受到如松屋等等的平價餐廳,旅程的消費是應該不會太高的。可是,即使在泡沬 …

2021-03-23: Test post to herballemon.micro.blog thru Ulysses.

2021-03-23: Star Ferry.

2021-03-23: Hello World.